General Description

1.5.9 PC0–PC3 (PC4–PC7)

These eight I/O lines comprise port C. PC0 is a high-current pin. PC4–PC7 are available only in the 44-lead PLCC package. The state of any pin is software programmable and all port C lines are configured as input during power-on or reset. For detailed information on I/O programming, see 2.4 Input/Output Programming.

NOTE: Only four bits of port C are bonded out in 28-pin packages for the MC68HC05RC16, although port C is truly an 8-bit port. Since pins PC4–PC7 are unbonded, software should include the code to set their respective data direction register locations to outputs to avoid floating inputs.

NOTE: Any unused inputs, I/O ports, and no connects should be tied to an appropriate logic level (either VDD or VSS). Although the I/O ports of the do not require termination, termination is recommended to reduce the possibility of static damage.

General Release Specification


MC68HC05RC16 — Rev. 3.0





General Description