Core Timer

8.5 Computer Operating Properly (COP) Reset

The COP watchdog timer function is implemented on this device by using the output of the RTI circuit and further dividing it by eight. The minimum COP reset rates are listed in Table 8-1. If the COP circuit times out, an internal reset is generated and the normal reset vector is fetched. Preventing a COP timeout, or clearing the COP is accomplished by writing a zero to bit 0 of address $3FF0. When the COP is cleared, only the final divide-by-eight stage (output of the RTI) is cleared.

If the COP watchdog timer is allowed to time out, an internal reset is generated to reset the MCU.

The COP remains enabled after execution of the WAIT instruction and all associated operations apply. If the STOP instruction is disabled, execution of STOP instruction causes the CPU to execute a WAIT instruction. In addition, the COP is prohibited from being held in reset. This prevents a device lock-up condition.

This COP’s objective is to make it impossible for this device to become stuck or locked-up and to be sure the COP is able to rescue the part from any situation where it might entrap itself in abnormal or unintended behavior. This function is a mask option.

8.6 Timer During Wait Mode

The CPU clock halts during wait mode, but the timer remains active. If interrupts are enabled, a timer interrupt will cause the processor to exit wait mode. The COP is always enabled while in user mode.

General Release Specification


MC68HC05RC16 — Rev. 3.0





Core Timer