Core Timer
TOFC — Timer Overflow Flag Clear
When a one is written to this bit, CTOF is cleared. Writing a zero has no effect on the CTOF bit. This bit always reads as zero.
RTFC — Real-Time Interrupt Flag Clear
When a one is written to this bit, RTIF is cleared. Writing a zero has no effect on the RTIF bit. This bit always reads as zero.
RT1–RT0 — Real-Time Interrupt Rate Select
These two bits select one of four taps from the real-time interrupt circuit. Refer to Table 8-1. Reset sets these two bits which selects the lowest periodic rate and gives the maximum time in which to alter these bits if necessary. Care should be taken when altering RT0 and RT1 if the timeout period is imminent or uncertain. If the selected tap is modified during a cycle in which the counter is switching, an RTIF could be missed or an additional one could be generated. To avoid problems, the COP should be cleared before changing RTI taps.
Table 8-1. RTI and COP Rates at 4.096 MHz Oscillator
| 2.048-MHz Bus | 2.048-MHz Bus |
| |
| | | | | | |
| 2 ms | | 212 ÷ E | 00 | (215–212)/E | 14 ms |
| 4 ms | | 213 ÷ E | 01 | (216–213)/E | 28 ms |
| 8 ms | | 214 ÷ E | 10 | (217–214)/E | 56 ms |
| 16 ms | | 215 ÷ E | 11 | (218–215)/E | 112 ms |
General Release Specification | | MC68HC05RC16 — Rev. 3.0 |
| | |
64 | Core Timer | MOTOROLA |