10-8 MC68VZ328 User’s Manual
Programming Model Port A Pull-up Enable Register

The Port A pull-up enable register (PAPUEN) controls the pull-up resistors for each line in Port A. The
settings for the bit positions are shown in Table10-6.

PAPUEN Port A Pull-up Enable Register 0x(FF)FFF402

10.4.2 Port B Registers
Port B is made up of the following 8-bit general-purpose I/O registers:
Port B direction register (PBDIR)
Port B data register (PBDATA)
Port B pull-up enable register (PBPUEN)
Port B select register (PBSEL)
Each signal line connects to an external pin. Each bit on Port B is individually configured. Port B Direction Register

The Port B direction register controls the direction (input or output) of the line associated with the
PBDATA bit position. When the data bit is assigned to a dedicated I/O function, the direction bits are
ignored. The settings for the bit positions are shown in Table10-7 on page 10-9.
BIT 7654321BIT 0
TYPE rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw
RESET 11111111
Table 10-6. Port A Pull-up Enable Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 7–0 Pull-up—These bits enable the pull-up resistors on
the port. 0 = Pull-up resistors are disabled
1 = Pull-up resistors are enabled