B |
Debugger General Information
177Bug>OF R0
R0 =00000000 00000000? 1327C. <CR> 177Bug>MD 0+R0;DI <CR>
00000+R0 | 48E78080 | MOVEM.L | |
00004+R0 | 4280 | CLR.L | D0 |
00006+R0 | 1018 | MOVE.B | (A0)+,D0 |
00008+R0 | 5340 | SUBQ.W | #1,D0 |
0000A+R0 12D8 | MOVE.B | (A0)+,(A1)+ | |
0000C+R0 51C8FFFC | DBF | D0,$A+R0 | |
00010+R0 | 4CDF0101 | MOVEM.L | (A7)+,D0/A0 |
00014+R0 | 4E75 | RTS |
177Bug> |
For additional information about the offset registers, refer to the Debugging Package for Motorola 68K CISC CPUs User's Manual.
Port Numbers
Some 177Bug commands allow you the option of choosing the port to be used to input or output. Valid port numbers which may be used for these commands are as follows:
ÐConcurrent mode
ÐTransparent modes.
Note These logical port numbers (0 and 1) are shown in the pinouts of the MVME177 module as ÒSERIAL PORT 1" and ÒSERIAL PORT 2", respectively. Physically, they are all part of connector P2.