MVME177 Module Installation Instructions
the polyswitch. When using the MVME712M module, the yellow LED (DS1) on the MVME712M front panel lights when LAN power is available, indicating that the polyswitch is good.
The MVME177 provides SCSI terminator power through a diode and a 1 amp polyswitch F1 located on the P2 Adapter Board. If the polyswitch is blown (i.e., open), the SCSI devices may not operate or may function erratically. When the P2 Adapter Board is used with an MVME712M and the SCSI bus is connected to the MVME712M, the green LED (DS2) on the MVME712M front panel lights when there is SCSI terminator power. If the LED flickers during SCSI bus operation, the polyswitch should be checked.