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Functional Description
LAN DMA Transfers
The MVME177 includes a LAN interface with DMA controller. The LAN DMA controller uses a FIFO buffer to interface the serial LAN bus to the
The 82596CA does not execute MC68060 compatible burst cycles, therefore the LAN DMA controller does not use burst transfers. DRAM write cycles require 3 clock cycles, and read cycles require:
❏5 clock cycles with parity off and
❏6 clock cycles with parity on
The transfer rate of the LAN DMA controller is 20MB/sec at 25 MHz (or 24MB/sec at 30 MHz) with parity off. Assuming a continuous transfer rate of 1MB/sec on the LAN bus, 5% (or 4%) of the local bus bandwidth is used by transfers from the LAN bus.
Remote Status and Control
The remote status and control connector, J3, is a
In addition to the LED and the RESET and ABORT switches access, this connector also includes:
❏Two general purpose
❏One general purpose interrupt pin which can also function as a trigger input. This interrupt pin is level programmable