Disk I/O Support
(default). These characters are initialized to ^S and ^Q respectively by 177Bug, but you may change them with the PF command. In the initialized (default) mode, operation is as follows:
^S | (wait) | Console output is halted. |
^Q | (resume) | Console output is resumed. |
Disk I/O Support
177Bug can initiate disk input/output by communicating with intelligent disk controller modules over the VMEbus. Disk support facilities built into 177Bug consist of:
❏Disk I/O system calls (only via one of the TRAP #15 instructions) for use by user programs
❏Defined data structures for disk parameters Parameters such as:
❏Address where the module is mapped
❏Device type
❏Number of devices attached to the controller module
are kept in tables by 177Bug. Default values for these parameters are assigned at
Blocks Versus Sectors
The logical block defines the unit of information for disk devices. A disk is viewed by 177Bug as a storage area divided into logical blocks. By default, the logical block size is set to 256 bytes for every block device in the system. You can change the block size on a per device basis with the IOT command.
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