The PowerPC debugger, PPCBug, is a powerful evaluation and debugging tool for systems built around Motorola PowerPC microcomputers. Facilities are available for loading and executing user programs under complete operator control for system evaluation.
The PowerPC debugger provides a high degree of functionality and user friendliness, and yet stresses portability and ease of maintenance. It achieves good portability and comprehensibility because it was written entirely in the C programming language, except where necessary to use assembler functions.
PPCBug includes commands for display and modification of memory, breakpoint and tracing capabilities, a powerful assembler and disassembler useful for patching programs, and a
Various PPCBug routines that handle I/O, data conversion, and string functions are available to user programs through the System Call handler.
PPCBug consists of three parts:
❏A set of
❏A user interface which accepts commands from the system console terminal.
When using PPCBug, you will operate out of either the debugger directory or the diagnostic directory. The debugger prompt