synchronizing when enabled 8 TrueSync Desktop 49
phone calls 9
phone numbers, last 10 dialed 9 phone, charging 29
placing a call 9 preferences
client 44 clipOn 25 general 48
previewing printing 71 printing
address books 71 calendar formats 69, 70 Contacts cards 70 envelopes 71
index cards 71 labels 71 memos 72 previewing 71
product care, screen 29 product requirements 32 profile, selecting 4 protecting 29
QuickLists 44
QuickLists, on clipOn 4, 16, 20 QuickNotes, clipOn 21
Readme file 33
recently dialed numbers 9 registering products 33 reminder alarms 16 removing 21, 27
clipOn from phone 27 Contacts 14
rescheduling events 17
To Do items 21
resetting clipOn 28 EarthTime clocks 67
scheduling calls 14 events 54
screen, cleaning 29 Select key 3 selecting profiles 4 setting
alarms 16
clock display 24 default directories 49 default views 49 margins 63 preferences 48
setting up calls 14 meetings 14
Setup Wizard clipOn 4 TrueSync 37 TrueSync Desktop 34
shortcut menus 48 sorting cards 11 special days, viewing 52 StarTAC clipOn Organizer
basics 3 batteries 27 bell icon 24 Calendar 15 charging phone 29 cleaning screen 29 connecting 8 connecting to phone 2 Contacts 10
device information 26 editing text 5