June 2004 NEC Business Solutions Ltd
38 - Chapter 3 Remote Access
Doc. No. 8557 - Release 1.1
June 2004
The remote software’s billing log stores the following information about each
remote access connection:
The date the call occurred.
The starting and ending times of the connection.
The name and phone number of the voice messaging system.
The billing log is a fixed-length record text file that you can format, print, or
import into a database, spreadsheet, or word processing application.
To turn the billing log on or off
1 On the support computer, go to the CoSession Remote Viewer Control
Center window.
2 Choose “Setup,” and then choose “Billing log” from the menu.
A check mark is displayed when this option is turned on. Select “Billing
log” again to turn off the billing log.
To view the billing log
1 Go to the C:\Insync\Csw directory on the support computer.
2 Open the Csw.bil file.
Each record in the billing log is separated by a carriage return. This file
exists only after you have established a remote access connection with
the billing log turned on.