Moving a Robot or Motion Device With the MCP
Adept SmartController User’s Guide, Rev. E 141
Emergency Stop Switch
The emergency stop switch will stop program execution and turn off High Power. If your
robot is equipped with brakes, they will be activated.
If High Power is enabled, the COMP/PWR button selects computer mode. If the system is
in AUTO mode and High Power is disabled, the COMP/PWR button enables High Power
and selects computer mode. In computer mode, an executing program or the system
terminal has control of the robot. (If the robot has not been calibrated and High Power is
turned on, the MCP emergency stop switch LED will be lit, and both the COMP/PWR
and MAN/HALT LEDs will be off.)
After you press the COMP/PWR button to enable High Power, the High Power lamp
begins blinking and the LCD prompts you to press the High Power button. You must
press this button before within the allowed time (this time is programmable) or High
Power will not be enabled.
If the system is in Manual mode and you press the COMP/PWR button to enable High
Power, you need to take the following actions:
release the MCP enable switch
press and hold the MCP enable switch (position 2 in MCP-4 )
press the High Power button within the allowed time.
When there is no program executing, or a program has paused for a pendant teach
routine, pressing the MAN/HALT button selects manual mode. In manual mode, the
MCP has control of the robot. If a program is executing, the MAN/HALT button will stop
program execution (without shutting off High Power).
Manual mode cannot be entered if High Power is off (E-Stop button LED not illuminated).
To enable High Power, press the COMP/PWR button. The MCP is in manual mode when:
1. The LED on the MAN/HALT button is illuminated, and
2. One of the manual state LEDs is also illuminated (the manual state LEDs indicate
the type of manual motion that has been selected, either World, Tool, Joint, or
The system will remain in Manual mode until High Power is turned off or the
COMP/PWR button is pressed. When you have finished moving the robot manually,
press the COMP/PWR button to return control to the controller. If a program attempts to
execute with the MCP in manual mode, the error “Comp mode disabled” will be
When the MAN/HALT button is pressed the first time, the MCP will be in world state.
Pressing the MAN/HALT button again selects the next state to the right (tool, joint, free),
eventually wrapping b ack to the le ftmost state (world). If manual mod e is terminat ed and
reentered (witho ut turning off syst em power) the last active state is selected.