22Installing Device Manager software

If several warning messages are displayed after you launch Device Manager on a Solaris workstation, do the following:

Add the following statement to your .cshrc file: setenv XKEYSYMDB $HOME/ .XKeysymDB

Make sure there is a .XKeysymbDB file in your home directory.

Executing the Device Manager installation software on UNIX

Use this procedure to execute the Device Manager installation software in a UNIX environment.

Procedure steps

Step Action

1Close all programs.

2Navigate to the directory on your system where you loaded the Device Manager software.

3For the Linux environment, make the file executable by entering: chmod a+x jdm_ xxxx_linux.sh

For the Solaris environment, make the file executable by entering: chmod a+x dm_xxxx_solaris_sparc.bin

4For the Linux environment, run the jdm_xxxx_linux.sh file.

For the Solaris environment, run the dm_xxxx_so- laris_sparc.bin file.

An installation screen, followed by a Nortel dialog box opens. Then, the Introduction dialog box appears (see "InstallAnywhere Introduction dialog box" (page 23)).

Nortel Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600

Fundamentals — Using Device Manager

NN46225-300 02.02 Standard

4.21 October 2007

Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks

Page 22
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Nortel Networks NN46225-300 manual Executing the Device Manager installation software on Unix