Store to hard disk (job spooling) allows print jobs to be temporarily stored on the hard disk before printing.
>The internal hard disk must be fitted to the printer to allow for spooling of the print job before final printing.
>If the hard disk memory is insufficient for the spooled data, DISK FULL is displayed and only one copy printed.
>If the software application being used has a collate print option, this must be turned OFF for store to hard disk to operate correctly.
>Store to hard disk may not be available in some software applications.
1.Click on the [General] tab, [Printing Preferences] button, then [Job Options] tab.
Click on the [Advanced] tab, [Printing Defaults] button, then [Job Options] tab.
(a)In [Job Type], select [Store to HDD], enter the number of required copies and, if required, check the [Collate] box.