PPR Emulation
Item | Value | Description |
PEN WIDTH | ON; OFF | IN PCL, when switched ON, |
| emphasises the pen width to improve |
| the appearance of lines specified with |
| minimum width. |
CHARACTER PITCH | 10 CPI; 12 CPI; 17 CPI; | Specifies character pitch in IBM PPR |
| 20 CPI; PROPORTIONAL | emulation. |
FONT CONDENSE | 12CPI - 20CPI; 12CPI - | Specifies 12CPI pitch for Condense |
| 12CPI | Mode. |
CHARACTER SET | Set 1; Set 2 | Specifies a character set. |
SYMBOL SET | IBM 437 | Specifies a symbol set. |
LETTER 0 STYLE | Disable; Enable | Specifies the style that replaces 9BH |
| with letter o and 9DH with a zero |
ZERO CHARACTER | Normal; Slashed | Sets the zero to be slashed or |
| unslashed. |
LINE PITCH | 6 LPI; 8 LPI | Specifies the line spacing. |
WHITE PAGE SKIP | OFF; ON | Specifies whether or not the printer |
| ejects a blank sheet. |
| Not available on duplex operation. |
CR FUNCTION | CR; CR+LF | Sets functionality on receipt of CR |
| code. |
LF FUNCTION | LF; LF+CR | Sets functionality on receipt of LF |
| code. |
LINE LENGTH | 80 COLUMN; 136 | Specifies the number of characters |
| COLUMN | per line. |
FORM LENGTH | 11 INCH; 11.7 INCH; | Specifies the length of paper. |
| 12 INCH |
TOF POSITION | 0.0 INCH - 1.0 INCH | Specifies the distance of print from |
| the top edge of the paper. |
LEFT MARGIN | 0.0 INCH - 1.0 INCH | Specifies the distance of print from |
| the left hand edge of the paper. |
FIT TO LETTER | Disable; Enable | Sets the printing mode that can fit |
| print data, equivalent to 11 inches (66 |
| lines), in the |
| area. |
TEXT HEIGHT | Same; Diff | Sets the height of a character. |
| SAME: Regardless of CPI, same height |
| DIFF: As CPI, character heights vary. |