Screenshot 3
The "System" page appears.
Set the items on the "System" page.
For details about the items, refer below.
Click the [SET] button after completing the set- ting.
Setting items
"Time adjustment"
Select a standard for the time adjustment.
Manual setup: Adjust the time manually.
Synchronization with NTP server: Time is adjust-
ed automatically based on the NTP server.
"Time setup (year-month-day hour:min:sec)"
Enter year, month, date, hour, minute, and second if "Manual setup" is selected for "Time adjustment". Year: Enter 4 digits.
Month and day: Enter 2 digits each.
Hour, minute and second: Enter 2 digits each, and divide by colon (:).
"NTP server address"
Enter the address of the NTP server if "Synchronization with NTP server" is selected for "Time adjustment".
"NTP port"
Enter the port number of the NTP server. "Synchronization interval"
Enter “1” to “24” hours for the interval time to access to the NTP server for synchronization.
"Time zone"
If using the NTP server, select the time zone accord- ing to the location where the camera is installed.
"Daylight saving (Summer time)"
When you select “ON”, the currently set time minus one hour will be displayed. When you select “OFF” after “ON” has been selected, one hour will be added to the currently displayed time.
"Time display"
Select "12hour" or "24hour" for time display.
"Time display pattern"
Select the time display pattern.
"Camera name"
Enter a name for the camera. The entered camera name will be displayed when the reload button of the browser is pressed or when the browser starts up the next time.
Characters for "Camera name": Up to 32 characters "Power / Link / Access LED"
Click the "ON" radio button to use the LED as status display.
Click the "OFF" radio button to turn off the LED all the time.