Parker Hannifin
Chapter 6 Command Reference 101
DCMDZ Zero the Drive Command Offset
Type Drive Configuration Product Rev
Syntax <a_>DCMDZ=<r> Aries 1.0
Units r = volts
Range -1Ø.ØØ to 1Ø.ØØ
Default Ø.ØØ
Response N/A
The DCMDZ command sets the zero point for the command input. When in
torque/force mode (DMODE2), this will minimize motor drift.
Executing the DCMDZ command without an argument sets the zero reference
point to the last voltage read at the command input. To execute this
command correctly, short the AIN + and AIN – pins together on the DRIVE I/O
connector, or command zero volts from the servo controller.
You can also use DCMDZ to set the zero point to an arbitrary voltage by
entering that value. For example, DCMDZ = Ø.5 makes 0.5 volts equal to a
commanded velocity of zero (0) rps. Note that this value is the internal level
and does not take into account any offsets in the incoming command signal.
DIBW Current Loop Bandwidth
Type Tuning Product Rev
Syntax <a_>DIBW<i> Aries 3.0
Units Hz
Range 250-3000
Default 1200
Response DIBW: <*>1200
When used in conjunction with IAUTO1, this command sets the current loop
bandwidth. Higher values of DIBW will give a faster response to changes in
commanded current, at the expense of some overshoot. Lower values of
DIBW, will give a slower response, with much less overshoot.