Parker Hannifin
166 Aries User Guide
Procedure 2 Use this procedure to connect your Hall wires to the Aries.
1. First operate the drive in DMODE1 and verify that the motor turns
clockwise. If not, swap any two motor wires.
2. Remove the motor power leads, leaving the feedback cable connected
to the Aries drive. Connect motor power wires U and V and slowly apply
a positive voltage with respect to W.
Note: A variable low voltage (5-24V) current limiting (less than
continuous current rating of motor) power supply is preferred.
Warning — This procedure could damage the motor. Slowly increase the
voltage until the motor moves. Do not exceed the rated current.
Safety Warning — High-performance motion control equipment is capable
of producing rapid movement and very high forces. Unexpected motion may
occur especially during the development of controller programs. KEEP WELL
CLEAR of any machinery driven by stepper or servo motors. Never touch
any part of the equipment while it is in operation.
3. If THALL reports a value of 1, 2 or 4, change SHALL from either 0 to 1 or
from 1 to 0. After you change SHALL, reset the drive.
4. Change the Hall wires until THALL reports a value of 6.
5. Connect motor wires U and W and slowly apply a positive voltage with
respect to V.
6. If THALL does not report a value of 3, change Hall wires B and C.
If THALL reports a value of 3, the wires are connected correctly.
Table 51 summarizes phase voltages and their corresponding Hall states.
Starting with SHALLØ and the phase voltages as shown, the THALL
command should report the Hall states that match the “Correct” column. If
instead THALL reports Hall states that match the “Use SHALL1” column,
enter SHALL1 and reset the drive. The Hall states should now match the
“Correct” column. For more information, see Figure 50.