Parker Hannifin
126 Aries User Guide
• If operating in the FLTDSB1 mode and the drive received a DRIVEØ
command or the hardware enable input was opened.
DTHERM Thermal Switch Checking
Type motor Product Rev
Syntax <a_>DTHERM<b> Aries 1.0
Units b = enable bit
Range Ø(enable) or 1(disable)
Default Ø
Response DTHERM: *Ø
The DTHERM command is used to disable drive faults when the motor
thermal switch opens. It is useful when no thermal switch is present on the
motor. Send the DTHERMØ command to re-enable thermal switch checking.
ECHO Communication Echo Enable
Type Communication Interface Product Rev
Syntax <a_>ECHO<b> Aries 1.0
Units b = enable bit
Range Ø (disable) or 1 (enable)
Default 1
Response ECHO: <*>1
The ECHO command enables/disables command echo. If using an RS-485
multi-drop, disable echo.
Note: The ECHO command has no obvious effect. You will always see the
characters that you type echoed on the screen. Only after you send a
command delimiter (carriage return or line feed) is a command line sent to
the Aries drive.
ENCFLT Maximum pre-quadrature encoder frequency
Type Drive configuration Product Rev
Syntax <a_>ENCFLT<i> Aries 3.0
Units None
Range 0 (1.02MHz ), 1 (2.67MHz) or 2(5MHz)
Default 0
Response ENCFLT: <*>0
See Also None
For increased noise immunity, rotary motors have increased filtering on the
encoder input. The maximum input frequency in 1.02 MHz pre-quadrature for