Parker Hannifin
140 Aries User Guide
SFB1 sets auto-detect mode and is the default setting. In auto-detect mode
the SFB command reports the detected drive-type upon power-up. If SFB is
set to a value other than 1, the drive assumes that type of encoder is
attached and does not try to auto-detect the feedback type.
In operating system 3.10 and beyond, the Aries Resolver option will report an
SFB value of 3. Changing the value will not affect the drive operation and it
will return to 3 on power-up.
SGI Servo Gain Integral
Type Tuning Product Rev
Syntax <a_>SGI<i> Aries 2.0
Units i = gain value
Range Ø.ØØ to 1ØØØ.ØØ
Default Ø.ØØ
Response SGI: <*>Ø.ØØ
This command is only valid in DMODE4 (velocity mode) and DMODE6 or 7
(position mode). Use the Integral Gain (SGI) command to set the gain of the
integral term in the control algorithm. The primary function of the integral gain
is to reduce or eliminate final position error (e.g., due to friction, gravity, etc.)
and improve system accuracy during motion. If a position error exists
(commanded position not equal to actual position—see TPER command), this
control signal will ramp up until it is high enough to overcome the friction and
drive the motor toward its commanded position. If acceptable position
accuracy is achieved with proportional gain (SGP), then the integral gain
(SGI) need not be used.
If the integral gain is set too high relative to the other gains, the system may
become oscillatory or unstable. The integral gain can also cause excessive
position overshoot and oscillation if an appreciable position error has
persisted long enough during the transient period (time taken to reach the
position setpoint); this effect can be reduced by using the SGILIM command
to limit the integral term windup.
SGILIM Integral Windup Limit
Type Tuning Product Rev
Syntax <a_>SGILIM<i> Aries 2.0
Units i = Limit value
Range Ø to 32767
Default 1
Response SGILIM: <*>1
See Also SGI, SGP, SGV
This command is only valid in DMODE4 (velocity mode) and DMODE6 or 7
(position mode). If integral control (SGI) is used and an appreciable position