Parker Hannifin
Chapter 6 Command Reference 131
Error Description
E45-Excessive Velocity Error Commanded velocity. Actual Velocity is greater
than the value set by SMVER.
E46-Hardware Enable 0 = Hardware Enable (Drive I/O Pin 1 and 21)
1 = No Hardware Enable
E47-Low Voltage Enable No motor power was present when the drive was
E48-Control Power Active The drive is in Control power mode. No motor
power is present.
E49-Alignment Error The ALIGN command did not complete
successfully. (TPE, THALL)
E50-Flash Error A problem writing to non-volatile memory exists.
E51-Resolver Error A problem determining the correct resolver angle
exists. Applies to Arxx-xR models only. Check the
resolver feedback wiring.
E52-Encoder Loss Fault The drive determined there was loss of feedback.
Check the feedback wiring. (TPE, THALL)
Table 46 Error Status
Text Based Report
ERRORL Error Log Selection
Type Error Handling Product Rev
Syntax <a_>ERRORL<b><b>...<b><b> (32 bits) Aries 1.0
Units b = enable bit
Range Ø (disable) or 1 (enable)
Default 1111111111111111
bit 15 bit Ø
Use the ERRORL command to choose the conditions that will be included in
the error log. When an error log bit is enabled (ERRORL11...11), the
operating system will respond to a specific execution error by making an
entry in the error log. Each bit corresponds to a different error condition (see
Table 47). To enable or disable a specific bit, the syntax is ERRORL=B.n-b,
where “n” is the error bit number and “b” is either one (1) to enable or zero
(Ø) to disable.
Use the TERRLG command to view the error log. Use the CERRLG command
to clear the error log.