Parker Hannifin
Chapter 6 Command Reference 99
Rotary Motors—Positive values represent
clockwise motion and negative values represent
counter-clockwise motion (assuming CMDDIR = Ø,
and that you connected the feedback device
according to instructions provided in “Chapter 2
Mechanical Installation” and “Chapter 3 Electrical
Figure 41 Clockwise/
Counter-clockwise rotation
CONFIG Configuration Errors and Warnings
Type Error Handling Product Rev
Syntax <a_>CONFIG Aries 1.0
Units N/A
Range N/A
Default N/A
Response CONFIG <*>No Errors
The CONFIG command gives a text-based status report of current
configuration errors and warnings (EØ through E24).
Error Resolution
EØ—Motor Configuration
The motor rating is too high for the drive, and the
drive is using its own limits for safety reasons.
E1—Motor Configuration Error One of the motor parameters is set to zero (0).
Look at the additional errors to find which
parameters are set at zero (0). Refer to your
motor specifications for the correct value.
E3—Max Inductance = Ø This parameter is set to zero (0). To correct the
error, you must set a non-zero (0) value. Refer to
your motor specifications for the correct value.
E4—Rated Speed = Ø This parameter is set to zero (0). To correct the
error, you must set a non-zero value. Refer to
your motor specifications for the correct value.
E5—DPOLE = Ø This parameter is set to zero (0). To correct the
error, you must set a non-zero value. Refer to
your motor specifications for the correct value.
E6—Resistance = Ø This parameter is set to zero (0). To correct the
error, you must set a non-zero value. Refer to
your motor specifications for the correct value.
E7—Ke = Ø This parameter is set to zero (0). To correct the
error, you must set a non-zero value. Refer to
your motor specifications for the correct value.
E8—Continuous Current = Ø This parameter is set to zero (0). To correct the
error, you must set a non-zero value. Refer to
your motor specifications for the correct value.