Parker Hannifin
194 Aries User Guide
remove the paint in certain areas to ensure filters and drive make a
good large-area metal to metal contact between filter case and
You must install a filter on both the Motor power mains and Control
power mains if both are used. Use Table 60 and Table 61 to determine
the correct filter for your specific application.
Control Power Control power is 1 Amp, maximum. Any of the following filters works with all
models of the drive.
Filter Manufacturer
6EP1 (160937-5) Corcom
10EP1 (160937-7)1, Corcom
FN2070-10/06 Schaffner
1. Available from Parker: 10 Amp filter—part number 47-016140-01
16 Amp filter—part number 47-017900-01
Table 60 Control Power Filter Selection
Filter Continuous
01xx AR-
02xx AR-
04xx AR-
08xx AR-
13xx AR-
20xE AR-
6EP1 (160937-5)1 5 at 240 VAC × ×
10EP1 (160937-7)1, 3 8 at 240 VAC × × × × x
FN2070-10/062 10 at 240 VAC × × × × x
FN2070-12/06 12 at 240 VAC × × × × x
FN2070-16/062, 3 16 at 240 VAC × × x
16FCD101 16 at 240 VAC x
25FCD101 25 at 240 VAC x x
Product with applicable mains filter denoted by “×”
1. Corcom (a division of Tyco Electronics)
2. Schaffner
3. Available from Parker: 10 Amp filter—part number 47-016140-01
16 Amp filter—part number 47-017900-01
Table 61 Mains Motor Power Filter Selection
• Install Transient suppressors.
Single Phase Input
You must install varistors or other voltage surge limiting devices in order
to meet the requirements of EN61000-4-5. Place a Littelfuse
V275LA2ØC, or an equivalent varistor, from line to line and from lines to
earth before the mains filter, as shown in the EMC Installation drawings.
(Intersil, General Electric, and Littelfuse manufacture equivalent