Parker Hannifin
138 Aries User Guide
PGAIN Proportional Gain
Type Tuning Product Rev
Syntax <a_>PGAIN<r> Aries 1.0
Units None
Range Ø.ØØ to 2ØØ.ØØ
Default 2Ø.ØØ
Response PGAIN: <*>2Ø.ØØ
The PGAIN command sets the proportional gain of the current loop. High
gains can emphasize resonance and system noise, adds to heating of both
motor and drive, and increases acoustic noise produced by the motor.
PSET Establish Absolute Position
Type Tuning Product Rev
Syntax <a_>PSET<r> Aries 2.0
Units None
Range -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
Default N/A
Response PSET: N/A
See Also TPC, TPE
Use the PSET command to offset the current absolute position to establish an
absolute position reference. All PSET values entered are in counts.
The PSET command will define the present commanded position (TPC) to be
the absolute position entered.
PSETØ ; Wherever the present actual or commanded position
; happens to be, consider that position to have an
; absolute position of zero.
Type Communication Interface Product Rev
Syntax <a_>RESET Aries 1.0
Units N/A
Range N/A
Default N/A
Response RESET: (Displays power applied message)
See Also RFS, TREV