Parker Hannifin
Chapter 6 Command Reference 103
DMEPIT Motor Electrical Pitch
Type Motor (Linear only) Product Rev
Syntax <a_>DMEPIT<r> Aries 1.0
Units r = millimeters
Range Ø to 3ØØ.ØØ : ±Ø.Ø1
Default Ø
Response DMEPIT: <*>4Ø.ØØ
See Also ERES
Note: This command does not take effect until you cycle power to the drive,
or send the RESET command.
The DMEPIT command sets the electrical pitch of the magnets for use with
permanent magnet brushless linear motors. The DMEPIT value is required to
convert between linear units and rotary units. The electrical pitch can be
equated to one revolution in a rotary motor. Mechanically, the definition of the
electrical pitch is the linear distance between two magnets comprising a full
magnetic cycle. For example, the illustration below shows an electrical pitch
of 42 mm (DMEPIT42).
Figure 43 Linear motor track
Important! For rotary motors, set the DMEPIT to zero (0). The Aries drive
uses the DMEPIT parameter as the determinant for which type of motor,
linear or rotary, is connected.
DMODE Drive Control Mode
Type Drive Configuration Product Rev
Syntax <a_>DMODE<i> Aries 1.0
Units i = control mode setting
Range 1 to 17 (see Table 44)
Default 2
Response DMODE: <*>2
See Also none
Use the DMODE command to select the drive control mode for your Aries
drive. For drive mode descriptions and drive compatibility, see Table 44.