Parker Hannifin
Chapter 6 Command Reference 139
The RESET command affects the Aries drive the same as cycling power, or
activating the hardware Reset inputs (pins 18 and 23 on the DRIVE I/O
connector). The drive’s parameters are retained in non-volatile memory.
Note: After sending the RESET command to the Aries, wait until you see the
power-applied message before communicating with the Aries.
RFS Return to Factory Settings
Type Drive Configuration Product Rev
Syntax <a_>RFS Aries 1.0
Units N/A
Range N/A
Default N/A
Response N/A
The RFS command returns all settings to factory default, with the exception
of the TDHRS value. A RESET command is automatically sent following this
command; therefore, no prompt will be returned.
When is the RFS event finished? The RFS process can take several
seconds. When RFS is finished, the drive transmits the power-applied
Recommendation: When finished configuring the drive using the Aries
Support Tool, save the configuration file to your personal computer’s (PC)
hard drive for safekeeping. If, after executing the RFS command, you need to
restore the previous configuration, re-download the configuration file and
program files to your drive. (Remember to reset the drive to invoke new
configuration settings).
SFB Set Feedback Type
Type Drive configuration Product Rev
Syntax <a_>SFB<i> Aries 1.0
Units i = feedback source
Range 0 (unknown)
1 (OS 1.0,2.0: Standard Encoder OS2.10 or greater:
2 (OS 2.10 or greater: specify Standard Encoder)
3 (OS 3.10 or greater: Resolver option identified)
5 (OS 2.10 or greater: specify Smart Encoder)
6 (OS 2.10 or greater: reserved for absolute encoder)
Default 1
Response SFB: <*>5
In operating systems 2.0 or earlier, the SFB value reflected the type of motor
that the drive auto-detected. In operating system 2.10 and beyond, you also
can set a feedback type with the SFB command.