Parker Hannifin
40 Aries User Guide
AC Power Supply Connection Figure 16 on page 34 shows how to connect the external 120/240 VAC motor
power source and control power sources to the drive.
• The AR-20xE can accept single-phase or three-phase 240V motor
power. For single-phase connections, make no connection to
terminal labeled L3.
• The AR-30xE can only accept three-phase 240V motor power.
Use the terminal connector that is supplied with the drive. For the Protective
Earth ground, make the connection directly by means of a low-impedance
path less than or equal to 0.1 ohm (no fuses, etc.). Under normal operation,
no current should flow through the Protective Earth connection.
If desired, you can jumper two phases of the motor input power to the control
input power for a single AC power connection. Jumpers are installed at the
factory for this purpose. Remove the jumpers to apply separate control and
motor mains power.
Figure 16 Motor and Control Mains Power Supply Connection
Note: See warnings on next page.