Parker Hannifin
124 Aries User Guide
DPOLE Number of Motor Pole Pairs
Type Motor Product Rev
Syntax <a_>DPOLE<i> Aries 1.0
Units i = pole pairs
Range 1 to 2ØØ
Default Ø (DPOLE of Ø results in motor configuration error)
Response DPOLE: <*>5Ø
See Also DMTR
Auto-Setup: When using a Parker motor and the Aries Support Tool, this
command is automatically set for the selected motor.
If you did not use the Aries Support Tool, are using non-Parker motors, or
sent an RFS command to the drive, the parameter is set to zero (0)—you
must manually set this parameter to a non-zero number. Otherwise, the drive
reports the configuration errors E1–Motor Configuration Error and
E5–DPOLE = Ø, and shuts down the drive.
For a list of automatically configured commands, see DMTR.
The DPOLE command sets the number of motor pole
pairs. The number of pole pairs is defined as the
number of poles (P), divided by 2 (or, P/2). The
electrical frequency of the current (ωe) is related to
the mechanical speed (ωm) of the motor by the pole
pairs. The equation (right) shows this relationship.
= 2
Note: All linear motors, regardless of the number of stator poles, are
considered one pole-pair (DPOLE1) machines.
DPWM Drive PWM Frequency
Type Drive Configuration Product Rev
Syntax <a_>DPWM <i> Aries 1.0
Units i = kHz
Range 16 or 32 (16 only for models AR-20xE and AR-30xE)
Default 16 (use the drive’s default frequency)
Response DPWM: <*>16
Note: This command does not take effect until you cycle power to the drive,
or send the RESET command.
Use the DPWM command to select the drive’s PWM frequency. This value is
the internal PWM frequency as seen at the motor windings; the motor ripple
current is twice this frequency. In general, for a given drive power level, the
higher the switching frequency, the lower the motor ripple current heating
and the lower both the peak and continuous current ratings.