D e f i n i n g B a t c h D a t a F i e l d s

Batch data fields should be sent in field number order. Use continuation fields for large amounts of data. If you are using N (New) in the batch header, you must list all fields with your data in sequence. If you are using U, you need to list only those fields and data that changes from the last printed batch.


field#,"data string" p


C,"continuation" p


Identifies the text, bar code, or non-printable text field in


which to insert the following data. Range: 1 - 999


(1 - 99 for 9403).

"data string"

Provides the actual information to appear in fields. Enclose in


quotation marks. Range: 0 - 2710 (0 - 100 for 9403).


Identifies information to be appended to the data string. (This


parameter is optional.)


Provides the actual information to be added to the batch


packet. Enclose in quotation marks. Use this option to break


up longer fields. (This parameter is optional.)


1,"Size 12" p


2,"" p


3,"Blue" p


C,"and this would be appended." p

Defines a batch data field. "Size 12" prints in field #1, a blank line appears in field #2, "Blue and this would be appended" prints in field #3.

U s i n g S p e c i a l C h a r a c t e r s i n B a t c h D a t a

There are two ways to specify special characters in batch data:

Place a tilde (~) before the character

Use a tilde with the decimal ASCII equivalent

Printing 6-7

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Image 145
Paxar 9402, 9403 manual F i n i n g B a t c h D a t a F i e l d s