s c n S e t C o d e 1 2 8 I n f o
LMSSCEN.LIB only. Saves the scanner configuration values the application set in the CODE128INFO data structure. See “CODE128INFO” in Chapter 5 for a description of this data structure.
To configure the scanner, the application
1 . Enables the scanner with scnOpenScanner or scnOpenScannerShared.
2 . Calls scnGetCode128Info.
3 . Sets the values in the CODE128INFO data structure.
4 . Calls scnSetCode128Info.
When the application disables the scanner,
the configuration values go back to the
short far scnSetCode128Info(LPCODE128INFO lprCode128Info);
lprCode128Info A pointer to a CODE128INFO data structure.
Return Values
0 | Successful. |
Invalid configuration value. | |
The scanner is disabled. |