S a m p l e 1
F u n c t i o n
Prints with the trigger.
A l g o r i t h m
1. Initialize the Print subsystem without allocating font storage memory.
2. Loads a format packet.
3. Performs the following until the operator presses the trigger (to print), b (to break out of the loop), or f+0 to calibrate supplies.
A. Checks whether the battery is charged enough for printing.
B. Loads a batch packet and prints the format.
C. Waits until the label prints by checking the status repeatedly until it returns something other than “busy.”
4. Closes the Print subsystem.
S a m p l e 2
F u n c t i o n
Prints using the
A l g o r i t h m
1. Initializes the Print subsystem without allocating font storage memory.
2. Loads a format packet. This format defines the feed mode as
3. Checks whether the battery is charged enough for printing.
4. Loads a batch packet and prints the format.