P R O G R A M M I N G T E C H N I Q U E S 6
Many applications have common features, such as requiring the operator to press the trigger to initiate processing.
This chapter describes the code you write to add such common features to your application. It includes code for the following features:
♦Printing Labels
♦Pausing While Printing
♦Loading Multiple Packets Together
♦Building Packets Dynamically
♦Using the Scanner
♦Reading Trigger Pulls
♦Audio/Visual Feedback
P r i n t i n g L a b e l s
An application prints labels by submitting MPCL packets to the Print subsystem. At a minimum, the application must submit format and batch packets. To submit these packets, use either pclWrite or pclOpen.
For more information, see “pclWrite” or “pclOpen” in Chapter 4. For information about MPCL packets, refer to the Packet Reference Manual.
A batch packet starts a print job, which makes an asynchronous call to the Print subsystem. After submitting a print job, the application should call pclStatus in a loop, waiting until the printer becomes free. See “Pausing While Printing” for more information.
Programming Techniques