F o n t s
The printer has many resident fonts. You must load other fonts separately. Following is a list of these fonts and their IDs.
♦Standard (1)
♦Reduced (2)
♦Bold (3)
♦OCRA (4)
♦HR1 (5)
♦HR2 (6)
♦CG Triumvirate Bold® 9 pt. (10)
♦CG Triumvirate 6 pt. (11)
♦Swiss Bold (50)
♦CG Triumvirate Bold (Full Character Set) 6.5 pt. (1000)
♦CG Triumvirate Bold (Full Character Set) 8 pt. (1001)
♦CG Triumvirate Bold (Full Character Set) 10 pt. (1002)
♦CG Triumvirate Bold (Full Character Set) 12 pt. (1003)
♦CG Triumvirate Bold (Partial Character Set) 18 pt. (1004)
♦CG Triumvirate Bold (Partial Character Set) 22 pt. (1005)
♦CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed (Full Character Set) 6.5 pt. (1006)
♦CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed (Full Character Set) 8 pt. (1007)
♦CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed (Full Character Set) 10 pt. (1008)
Printer Features