To configure a zone, click its entry in the Zones directory. This displays the following tabs:
•General: Contains the configuration information assigned to the zone.
•Cameras: Assigns cameras to the zone (refer to Figure 24). To assign a camera, select it in the Cameras Available List and click the Add button. This displays the camera in the Cameras Assigned list. To remove a camera from the zone, select it in the Cameras Assigned list and click the Remove button.
Figure 24. Cameras Tab for Assigning Cameras to Zones
•Digital Inputs: Assigns digital (alarm) input points to the zone (refer to Figure 25). Whenever an assigned digital input is triggered, cameras in the zone begin recording.
Figure 25. Digital Inputs Tab for Assigning Input Points to Zones
NOTE: For Digital Sentry to recognize an alarm from a serial device, you must configure both an Alarm Text (in the VAU configuration) and a Unique Zone Text, which are different parts of a text string from an alarm panel. The Alarm Text notifies Digital Sentry that some sort of alarm is occurring, whereas the Unique Zone Text indicates the location or some other distinguishing feature of the alarm and causes the designated camera inputs to record video. For example, if an alarm panel sends the text string OPEN DOOR3, you would enter “OPEN” for the Alarm Text and “DOOR3” for the Unique Zone Text. Multiple zones can use the same COM port and Alarm Text segments, but each zone typically uses different Unique Zone Text segments.
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