(- m ) Interface mode: The valid software switchable protocol types are EIA-232, EIA-422, EIA-485 Full Duplex and EIA-485 Half Duplex. Each port on the UltraPort SI are independent of each other and therefore you may select different protocols per serial port.
(-x) Baud Rate multiplier: The baud rate multiplier allows the user to multiply the configured baud rate by 1, 2, 4, 8,16 or 32, hence achieving greater speeds on the UltraPort SI serial interfaces. This is applicable for each protocol type selected. Baud rates for EIA-232 are up to 921.6 Kbps per serial port. Baud rates for EIA-422/EIA-485 are up to 3.686 Mbps per serial port.
(-s) Slew Rate Limiting: The default setting for slew rate limiting is fast. This will allow higher baud rate speeds on each EIA interface port. Slew rate limiting enabled, minimizes EMI and reduces reflections caused by improperly terminated cables. Operation in slew rate limited mode reduces the amplitudes of high-frequency harmonics.
(-t) Line Termination: The line termination parameter is not changeable by the user in EIA- 232 mode. However both EIA-422 and EIA-485 modes are defaulted to terminated but can be changed by the user if needed.
(-e)EIA-485 HDX Local Echo: Local echo by default is echoon. This parameter applies only to EIA- 485 half duplex mode. All characters will be echoed to the user and transmitted across the serial ports. Some EIA-485 applications require local echo to be enable in order to monitor the loopback data to determine that line contention has occurred. If your application cannot handle loopback data the local echo should be set to echooff.
(-a)EIA-485 TX Driver Control: The default for this field is auto. When auto is set the UltraPort SI will automatically detect the beginning and the ending of data being transmitted in order to enable and disable the transmit line. When the field is set to rts it is the host application’s responsibility to enable and disable the transmit line via the RTS handshake line when it wants to send data.
(-b) Auto EIA-485 Bit Delay: By default this field is set to 0 delay. This field is only applicable if you have configured EIA-485 TX Driver Control to AUTO. Values for this field are 0 through 15 bits.
(-h) Help: Displays the setultrap usage screen.
The port must be closed and then opened for the new parameters to take effect.
The following examples show typical user applications:
etc/setultrap -f /dev/term/z1,/dev/term/z16 -l -lists options configured for serial ports 1 through 16
etc/setultrap -f /dev/term/z1,/dev/term/z16 -m 422 -sets mode EIA-422 for serial port 1 through 16
etc/setultrap -f /dev/term/z1,/dev/term/z4 -m 485fdx -configures serial ports 1 to 4 to EIA-485 full duplex
UltraPort Serial Adaptors User Guide | Chapter 2 Installing drivers and host cards |
Installing under SCO UnixWare | Page 72 |