ActivMedia Robotics Operating System
received a command from a client. Restarts on restoration
of connection.
P2MPACS byte 1 enables alternative SIP.
STALLVAL int Maximum PWM before stall. If > PwmMax, never.
STALLCOUNT int Ms time after a stall for recovery. Motors not engaged
during this time.
JOYVEL int Joystick translation velocity setting, mm/sec
JOYRVEL int Joystick rotation velocity setting in deg/sec
ROTVELMAX int Current max rotational speed; deg/sec.
TRANSVELMAX int Current max translational speed; mm/sec.
ROTACC int Current rotational acceleration; deg/sec2
ROTDECEL int Current rotational deceleration; deg/sec2
ROTKP int Current Proportional PID for rotation
ROTKV int Current Derivative PID for rotation
ROTKI int Current Integral PID for rotation
TRANSACC int Current translational acceleration; mm/sec2
TRANSDECEL int Current translational deceleration; mm/sec2
TRANSKP int Current Proportional PID for translation
TRANSKV int Current Derivative PID for translation
TRANSKI int Current Integral PID for translation
FRONTBUMPS byte Number of front bumper segments
REARBUMPS byte Number of rear bumper segments
CHARGER byte 1 if P3 or 2 if PowerBot automated charger mechanism and
circuitry installed in robot; otherwise 0
SONARCYCLE byte Sonar duty cycle time in milliseconds
AUTOBAUD byte 1 if can change baud rates; 2 if auto-baud implemented
HASGYRO byte 1 if has the gyro device; otherwise 0
CONFIGpac and CONFIG Command
Send the CONFIG command #18 without an argument to have AROS send back a
CONFIGpac SIP packet type 32 (0x20) server information packet containing the robot's
operational parameters. Use the CONFIGpac to examine many of your robot’s default
FLASH_based settings or their working values, when appropriate, as changed by other
client commands, such as SETV and ROTKV. A table nearby gives details about the
configuration packet data.
AROS provides two-way communications through the HOST client-server communication
port and to and through two auxillary serial ports on the microcontroller, AUX1 and AUX2.
Changing Baud Rates and Autobauding
The baud rates for the HOST, AUX1, and AUX2 ports initially are set from their respective
FLASH-based defaults and get reset to those values whenever the controller is reset or
upon client disconnection. For advanced serial port management from the client side, in
AROS 1.8 and later we provide three client commands which let your software reset the
HOST (HOSTBAUD #50), AUX1 (AUX1BAUD #51), and AUX2 (AUX2BAUD #52) serial port baud
rates, respectively. Use the integer command argument values: 0=9600, 1=19.2K, 2=38.8K,
3=57.6K or 4=115.2K baud.