ActivMedia Robotics
Access to the pioneer-users newslist is limited to subscribers, so your address is safe
from spam. However, the list currently is unmoderated, so please confine your
comments and inquiries to issues concerning the operation and programming of Pioneer
or PeopleBot robots.
Have a problem? Can’t find the answer in this or any of the accompanying manuals? Or
do you know a way that we might improve our robots? Share your thoughts and
questions with us from the online form at the support website:
or by email:
Please include your robot's serial number (look for it beside the Main Power switch)we
often need to understand your robot's configuration to best answer your question.
Tell us your robot’s SERIAL NUMBER.
Your message goes directly to the ActivMedia Robotics technical support team. There a
staff member will help you or point you to a place where you can find help.
Because this is a support option, not a general-interest newsgroup like pioneer-users,
we reserve the option to reply only to questions about problems with your robot or
See Chapter 8, Maintenance & Repair, for more details.