ActivMedia Robotics
Table 17. AROS FLASH configuration parameters with values for Pioneer 3–DX
KEYWORD Type Default Description
CONSTANTS Should not be changed
PTYPE str Pioneer Identifies the robot type.
PSTYPE str P3DX Identifies the ActivMedia robot model.
SERNUM str factory Serial number for the robot.
VERNO str 1.x AROS version number
TOPRV int 360 Maximum rotational velocity; deg/sec
TOPTV int 2200 Maximum translation speed; mm/sec
TOPRA int 600 Maximum rotation (de)acceleration; deg/sec2
TOPTA int 4000 Maximum translational (de)acceleration; mm/sec2
TICKSMM int 132 Encoder ticks/mm: (ticks per rev x gear-ratio)
(wheel_diameter x PI)
BATTCONV byte 0 0 if a 12V system; 1 if 24V
VARIABLES Parameters that you may change
NAME str not_set Unique name for your robot.
Maximum of 20 characters, no spaces.
SIP byte 100 Server information packet cycle time in 1 ms
increments. Default is classic 100 ms.
PWMMAX int 400 Maximum motor PWM (500=fully on).
HOSTBAUD byte 0 Baud rate for client-server HOST serial:
0=9.6k, 1=19.2k, 2=38.4k, 3=56.8k, 4=115.2k.
AUXBAUD1 byte 0 Baud rate for AUX serial port 1; see HostBaud
AUXBAUD2 byte 0 Baud rate for AUX serial port 2; see HostBaud
SONARCYCLE byte 40 Sonar cycle time in milliseconds
SONAR1 str 12345678 Ping sequence for sonar array #1. Up to 16
number characters 1-8; 0 to disable the array
SONAR2 str 0 Ping sequence for array #2. See sonar1 above
SONAR3 str 0 Ping sequence for array #3. See sonar1 above
SONAR4 str 0 Ping sequence for array #4. See sonar1 above
LOWBATTERY int 110 In 1/10 volts; microcontroller alarm activated
when battery charge falls below this value.
WATCHDOG int 2000 Ms time before robot automatically stops if it
has not received a command from a client.
Restarts on restoration of connection.
REVCOUNT int 36300 The number of differential encoder ticks for a
360 degree revolution of the robot.
SOUNDTOG byte 1 0 disables the buzzer
P2MPACS byte 0 1 enables alternative SIP.
STALLVAL int 200 Maximum PWM before stall. If > PwmMax, never.
STALLCOUNT int 100 Ms time after a stall for recovery. Motors not
engaged during this time.
HASGYRO byte 0 Set to 1 if you have the gyro accessory
CHARGER byte 0 Set to 1 if P3 or 2 if PowerBot autocharger
mechanism and circuitry installed; otherwise 0
GRIPPER byte 0 Set to 1 if P2/P3 Gripper; 2 if Gripper on
Performance PeopleBot
TCM2 byte 0 TCM2 module connected to 1=AUX1 or 2=AUX2
LEDGESENSE byte 0 0=none; 1=stop on detect; 2=limit speed; 3=stop
and limit speed
BUMPSTALL byte 3 0=disable bump stall; 1=enable rear; 2=enable
front; 3=enable both front and rear bump stalls
INVERTBUMP byte 0 0=none; 1=front; 2=rear; or 3=invert both front
and rear bumper signals
FRONTBUMPS byte 0 Number of front bumper segments
REARBUMPS byte 0 Number of rear bumper segments
ROTVELMAX int 200 Max rotational speed; deg/sec.
TRANSVELMAX int 2000 Max translational speed; mm/sec.
ROTACC int 100 Rotational acceleration; deg/sec2
ROTDECEL int 100 Rotational deceleration; deg/sec2