Techno Tidbits &
Dolby Pro Logic II
Dolby Pro Logic II is an improved version of Dolby Pro Logic technology with extended matrix decoding technology that can create 5.1 channel sound from two channel sources. Dolby Pro Logic II creates basic 5 channel sound by using the innovative "steering logic" circuit. Therefore when listening to typical
Chart Comparing Dolby Pro Logic and Dolby Pro Logic II
| Pro Logic | Pro Logic II |
Effective sound source | Dolby Surround encoded | All two channel stereo sources |
| sources |
Surround Sound | Mono | Stereo |
Frequency Range | Surround within 7 kHz | All Channels/Full Range |
This unit has a three Dolby Pro Logic II functions. The first is "Movie Mode" (suitable for film soundtracks); "Music Mode" (suitable for music); "Pro Logic Mode" (this mode is less sensitive to the quality of the source material, so may be useful when Movie Mode or Music Mode do not give good results). One can select one of them depending on your soundtrack of choice.
memo • For amplifiers and components other than the mentioned functions.
Dolby Digital Surround EX
This new recording technology is able to play 6.1 channel sound and was developed in a collaboration between Dolby Laboratories and Lucasfilm, Ltd. for the film "Stars Wars: The First Episode", the first movie ever to be made with Dolby Digital Surround EX technology. In a movie theater this format affords the listener vivid surround sound experience replete with the effect of sounds flying overhead, even for those seated towards the sides of the theater.
Dolby Digital Surround EX contains surround back channels which are dubbed into the soundtrack in studio. The channels are encoded into the left and right channels of the soundtrack so this format can be compatible with Dolby Digital 5.1 channel decoding. For a list of movies that contain Dolby Digital Surround EX soundtracks see Dolby website at: http://www.dolby.com
THX Surround EX technology was developed for movie theater use originally but has been extended for home theater use and consumers can no benefit from this excellent, realistic sound format. (For more details see "THX Surround EX" on the next page.) This unit is equipped with a THX Surround EX decoder.
MPEG Audio
MPEG is an audio encoding system which delivers high quality audio for music and movies. By removing frequencies which are out of the human hearing range, the sound is then compressed to enable the transmission of mono, stereo, or multichannel (5.1 and 7.1) audio in a single bitstream which is why it has become a standard audio format for DVD and personal computers. The composition and versatility of MPEG audio also ensures that the presentation of a multichannel soundtrack will sound appropriate on everything from a 7.1 channel surround sound home theater setup to a mono television set. Above all, MPEG audio is designed to be compatible with past and future MPEG audio versions, which means that future versions of MPEG audio will be compatible with decoders currently being produced (the signal is merely reconfigured to fit the number of channels available in a system).