Troubleshooting Your Printer
Print Quality Problems (continued)
Problem | Skewed Print |
Reason: | Sliding fence set incorrectly. |
Solution: | Fence should control media without restrict- |
| ing feed. |
Reason: | Roller or wiper is running along the edge of |
| the media. |
Solution: | Move the print head bank to a slightly differ- |
| ent position over the media. |
Problem | Unwanted Bolding |
Reason: | Escape sequence turning on bold or bold |
| selection in printer's menu options is set to |
| bold. |
Solution: | Turn off bolding in software and/or turn bold |
| selection in printer menu OFF. See Appen- |
| dix A for instructions. If problem still exists, |
| call Pitney Bowes for service. |
Problem | Addresses "Walking" |
Reason: | Incorrect Address Setup. |
Solution: | Count carriage returns and line feeds and |
| adjust Lines Per Address to the same num- |
| ber. |
Reason: | Address Termination should be Form Feed. |
Solution: | Set Address Setup for 8 lines. |
| Check Line Termination: Typical: |
| CR=CR; LF=LF. Other choices, |