Printer Menus
Using the Main Menu (continued)
8. Conveyor Time
This setting can only used if the model of conveyor stacker being used supports this function. This item in- creases the length of time the stacker will stay on. It can be set from 0.00 to 2.00 seconds.
Generally, when the print quality is set higher than draft, and/or, print width is larger than normal, the drying time of printed records must be increased to prevent smear- ing or smudging of addresses. Changing the time that the conveyor remains on alters how the media is shin- gled on the conveyor.
Special consideration of ink drying time and media han- dling for glossy or Tyvek media should also be consid- ered when using a conveyer.
9. Image Overlay
This menu item is used in conjunction with the Over- lay Printer Driver. Use this option to print ‘static’ text or graphics in the same location on every piece. The Image Overlay option is best used for printing a company logo and return address.
A. First Image Overlay
This option saves the very first record or graphic re- ceived into the printers’ memory as an overlay.
B. Clear Overlay
This option clears the overlay data in the printer’s mem- ory.
C. Print Overlay First
This option prints the data sent for the overlay onto the first piece. Use this piece to verify the location of the overlay is correct.
For instructions how to use the menus and select an op- tion, refer to page