Chapter 3
abled and Disabled.
The field specifies a duplex value for the IR device connected to COM B. Full Duplex mode permits silmutaneous
IR Pin Select
Consult your IR peripheral documentation to select the correct setting of TxD and RxD signals. Settings:
Parallel Port
This specifies the I/O port address and IRQ of the onboard parallel port. Settings: 378/IRQ7, 278/IRQ5, 3BC/IRQ7 and Disabled.
Parallel Port Mode
This item selects the operating mode for the parallel port: SPP, EPP, ECP or ECP+EPP.
EPP Version
The item selects the EPP version used by the parallel port if it is set to EPP or ECP+EPP mode. Settings: 1.7 and 1.9.
The item specifies the DMA channel 1 or 3 for the parallel port when it is set to ECP or ECP+EPP mode.
The items disable or assign the address of the onboard Game/Midi port.
Midi IRQ Select
The item specifies an IRQ for the Midi port.