Introduction To Setup
The FormsPro 4500se series printers feature simple, easy to use menus for setting the various operating parameters for the printer. The parameters available in these menus usually only need to be set one time, either when the printer is first installed or perhaps when a new form is to be used. These values are stored in nonvolatile memory, which means that they will remain set even if the printer is turned off. Following this introduction are complete, detailed descriptions of each menu item.
Setup Buttons
For your convenience, the SETUP button and the other buttons used while in the Setup mode are labeled in yellow on the control panel. Once in Setup, these buttons are the FUNCTION and VALUE buttons. The SETUP indicator will flash yellow whenever the printer is in the Setup mode as a reminder to use the yellow labels. The buttons used for Setup are shown below.
Control Panel Setup Buttons
The menu system works on a “what you see is what you get” basis. This means that whatever value is last displayed for an item is the value that will be saved when Setup mode is exited.