Printing a Document

Proof Print

Follow the steps below to print a document using “Proof Print”.
To use this function, the optional hard disk must be installed on your printer.
This function is not available on computers running Windows 3.1x, Windows
Windows 95/98
If the application has a collate option, make sure that it is not selected before
sending a print job. By default, proof print jobs are automatically collated by
the printer driver. If collate option is selected from the application print dia-
log box, more copies than intended may be printed.
AFrom an application, select the menu command to print. This will open the
print dialog box.
BOpen the printer driver dialog.
CClick the [
Proof Print
] tab, and select [
Proof Printing
DIn the [
User ID
] box, enter your User ID using up to 8 alphanumeric charac-
This is used to identify the user associated with a job.
"User ID" consists of up to 8 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters.
EClick [
] to close the Printer Properties dialog.
FStart printing from the application's print dialog box.
The proof print job is sent to the printer and one copy set is printed.
GCheck the output to confirm whether the settings are OK, or not.
If the settings are OK , go to step H to print the rest of the print job.
If not, you can delete the rest of the print job. P.9 “Deleting a Proof Print File”
HPress the {
User Tools
} key of the machine's operation panel.
IPress {
} of the number keys.
JSelect “Proof Print “ under “Main Menu” and press the [
] key.