Getting Started
Original Sizes Difficult to Detect
The machine finds it difficult to detect the size of the following kinds of origi-
nals. If this happens, the receiving machine may not select print paper of the cor-
rect size. P.16 “If the Machine Cannot Detect the Size of Your Original”
Document size other than the following (set on the exposure glass).
Originals with indexes, tags, or projecting parts
Transparent originals such as OHP transparencies or translucent paper
Dark originals with many characters or drawings
Originals which partially contain solid printing
Originals which have solid printing at their edges
The following paper sizes are automatically detected in Fax mode.
Inch Version
Paper size
Where original is placed
Exposure glass Document Feeder (ADF)
11" × 17" LΟΟ
8 1/2" × 14"LΟΟ
8 1/2" × 11" K LΟΟ
5 1/2" × 8 1/2" K L×Ο
10" × 14" LΟΟ
8 1/2" × 13" LΟΟ
8 × 10" KΟΟ