Quick Setup Using the NIB Setup Tool Wizard
Quick Setup Using the NIB Setup Tool Wizard
Using the NIB Setup Tool, you can easily set up a NetWare printing environ-
ment after physically installing the Network Interface Board into the printer,
You can select [
] or [
Property Sheet
] as an installation method.
When you configure the Network Interface Board for the first time, use the Wiz-
ard method.
When the Wizard method is used, the Network Interface Board is configured
to work as a Print Server. To configure it as a remote printer, use the Property
Sheet method. For more information, refer to P.32 “NetWare 3.x - Advanced
Settings” and P.38 “NetWare 4.x, 5 - Advanced Settings”.
This section assumes that NetWare is functional and that the necessary envi-
ronment for the NetWare Print Services is available.
You should install the client software released from Novell on the Windows
before running the NIB Setup Tool for configuring in NDS mode or using
Windows NT 4.0.
ALog in to the file server as an Admin or Admin equivalent.
BRun the NIB Setup Tool.
“Running the NIB Setup Tool”
CClick [
] and click [
The Browse dialog of the Network Interface Board appears.
DClick [
IPX protocol
ESelect the IPX address of the Network Interface Board you are configuring
by clicking it, and click [
Next >
If you don't know which Network Interface Board you are configuring, print
the Configuration Page using the printer's operation panel, and select the
MAC address that is on the page.
FConfirm that the MAC and IPX addresses are correct, and click [
GInput the printer name into the [
Device Name
] box.
The factory default is RNP followed by the last 6 digits of the MAC address.
We recommend that you change it to something that is easier to remember or
something based on the structure of your network.