
F To specify a Receiving Station using the Transfer Station's destination list, select [qQuick Dial], and then enter the registration number of the destination list.


For example, to select the registration number stored in Quick Dial 01 of the

Transfer Station, enter: {0}{1}.

G To specify a Receiving Station using the Transfer Station's Speed Dial, select [qpSpeed Dial], and then enter the number of the Speed Dial code.

For example, to select the number stored in Speed Dial 12 of the Transfer Sta- tion, enter: {1}{2}.

H To specify a Receiving Station using the Transfer Station's Group Dial, select [qppGroup Dial], and then enter the number of the Group number.

For example, to select the number stored in Group Dial 04 of the Transfer Sta- tion, enter: {0}{4}.

I To specify another Receiving Station, press [Add].

Press [UPrev.] or [TNext] to see the Receiving Stations already entered. You can select a Receiving Station from this list and remove it by pressing [Clear] or the {Clear/Stop}key.