

Use the same procedure to register and change programs. In step E, select the program number you want to change.

The method of registering or changing programs for the copy function is different from that of the fax function.

For the maximum number of Keystroke Programs you can register, see “Maximum Values”.

For the maximum number of characters you can enter for a program name, see “Maximum Values”.

For the maximum number of destinations you can register to a Keystroke Program, see “Maximum Values”.


p.107 “Sending at a Specific Time (Send Later)”

p.287 “Maximum Values”

“Entering Text”, About This Machine

Registering a priority function using a program

You can select whether or not the function registered in program No. 1 is set after the power is turned on or the {Clear Modes}key is pressed.

After registering a function in program No. 1, select [Program No.1] for [Change In-



itial Mode] on the Facsimile Features menu.



Destinations and polling transmission cannot be registered in program No. 1 as Keystroke Programs.


To store fax documents in the Document Server each time you send a fax, reg- ister [Store & Transmit] for Store File in program No. 1, and then set the values

registered in program No. 1 to be used as the initial settings after power on or if the {Clear Modes}key is pressed.


“Facsimile Features”, General Settings Guide