Sending Fax Documents from Computers

Saving as files

You can save the fax document in TIFF format (TIFF-F).

A Click [Send Options].

The [Send Options] tab appears.

B Select the [Save as file] check box.C Click [Save to...].D Select a folder on the folder tree.E Select a method of file naming.

To enter a file name manually, select the [Specify file name when saving] check box. To have the file assigned a name and saved automatically, select the [Automatically create a new file] check box.

F Click [OK].


G Click [Save] or [Save & Send].


If you select [Automatically create a new file], the image file is assigned a name



and saved under the specified folder.


The file name will be RicHHMMSS.tif (HH: hours, MM: minutes, SS: seconds).

H Enter a file name.

You can also change the folder in this step.

I Click [Save].

The image file is saved in the specified folder.


Single-page documents are saved as single TIFF files, and multiple-page documents are saved as multiple TIFF files.

To store the fax document on the Document Server


If [Hard Disk Unit] is not selected in [Accessories] on the printer properties dia- log box, you cannot select [Document Server].

A Click [Send Options].

The [Send Options] tab appears.

B Select the [Send to Document Server] check box, and then enter a user name, file name, and password.