Full Image Overlay (Only for Edit Type)
Full Image Overlay (Only for Edit Type)
1:Foreground image original
2:Background image original
This function overlay the foreground image original onto a background image original.
Text Overlay
This function can colorize a text original (foreground image original) and overlay it on the full color image original (background image original).
For functions that cannot be used together in image overlay. ☛ See 106.
❐Colors that can be selected as a text color:
Yellow, Beige, Orange, Red, Yellow Green, Cyan, Pink, Magenta, Green, Marine Blue, Blue, Purple, White, Black, and User Colors
❐You can adjust the density to one of four levels (except white).
❐If you did not select the text color, the text will be copied in the original color.
❐The modes that can be set for the background image original are:
•Color/Image Adjustment: Image Density, Color Mode, Original Type, Image Adjustment, Color Adjustment, Color Balance Adjustment
•Color Creation: Color Conversion, Color Erase, Color Background
❐The modes that can be set for the job settings as follows:
•Auto Paper Select
•Manual Paper Select
•Reduce/Enlarge (Preset Reduce/Enlarge, Zoom, Auto Reduce/Enlarge)
•Margin Adjustment
1Set the foreground image original (original that has the text to be composed) on the right of the
exposure glass. Then set the background image original (original that will be the background image) on the left of the exposure glass.
❐You cannot set your originals in the document feeder.
Overlay | Edit Type) |
Image | (Only for |